What did I do with my time off?


Java Stream Deck plugin?Sjimmie?Proof of Wrong


  • Band name selection - Gradient Descent?
  • Thinking about GA libraries to generate music with Jenetics or GAlib


  • Ride with Tom in Tarrytown


  • Tried to get Roblox running in Wine in MacOS, fail
  • # Start XQuartz
    # In the XQuartz xterm run this command to get an xterm in a container that has Wine
    docker run -e DISPLAY= x11docker/lxde-wine xterm

2022-08-15 - 2022-08-17

  • Worked on my Shreddage 3 code


  • TODO
  • Capture part of screen
    Update the Stream Deck with it’s contents
    Take the dog for a walk
    Install second camera outside


  • TODO
  • Get context values for all buttons
    Dagger + event bus
    Try leetcode



  • Felt sorry for myself
  • Probably did some other stuff


  • Looked up Jack’s Pokemon cards
  • Played Suspects with Jack and his friends
  • Made Jack lunch
  • Resurrected a Raspberry Pi
  • Found my RTL-SDR dongle
  • Installed rtl_433 and got lots of “maximum number of pulses reached” errors
  • Found my iPad with the keyboard
  • Used Blink - https://blink.sh/ - to connect to the Pi from the iPad
  • Created an SSH key for the iPad in the iPad’s secure element, cool!
  • Ran the Pi off of battery power and tried it outside
  • Installed TailScale on the Pi so I could access it via LTE if necessary
  • Tried out tpms-helper but it didn’t work for me and neither did rtl_fm, WTF, how can this not pick up FM stations?
  • Building gqrx sucks, forget it
  • sudo apt install -y qtbase5-dev qtdeclarative5-dev libqt5svg5-dev libasound2-dev libjack-dev libportaudio-dev portaudio19-dev 
    git clone https://github.com/gqrx-sdr/gqrx.git
    cd gqrx
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    cmake -DLINUX_AUDIO_BACKEND=Portaudio ..
  • Found out that I could plug my USB hub with PD passthrough into my battery and then power the Pi and the SDR separately from the hub to avoid brownouts. But of course that only works because it doesn’t let you connect to the device at all.
  • Record 100.3 FM
  • rtl_fm -f 100.3 | sox -t raw -r 24k -es -b 16 -c 1 -V1 - blah.wav

    This actually works (from https://tewarid.github.io/2015/03/15/listening-to-fm-radio-using-rtl-sdr.html)

    rtl_fm -f 100.3M -M wbfm - | sox -t raw -r 24k -es -b 16 -c 1 -V1 - blah5.wav